Midwest Jesus Movement - Lafayette, Indiana
Thanks to Eric Haley for contributing these photos and text.

I am Eric Haley. I became a born again believer in 1969, at the age of 14. In the summer of 1971, I launched out on my very first venture in faith, working with Joe Bell in establishing the Natural High Coffee House. I remember so well the great miracles that we experienced as we prepared for this ministry. God would allow insurmountable walls of resistance to form, and then blast them away by His mighty power. We operated for nearly three years without passing any inspections. The inspectors told us the place was a mess, that it would never work, and then they just never came back. We had young gangsters threaten us, determined that we would never open, and a few weeks later, there they were worshipping God with us.

After the coffee house days, I joined the Air Force with the intentions of being a chaplain's assistant, but was assigned to Aircraft Maintenance. It was in the Air Force that I met my wife, Margie in 1974. We now have 8 children. Having worked in lay ministry from the mid 1970's, and being currently a Calvary Chapel pastor, I have always looked back on the days at the Natural High as being a landmark in my Christian walk, and a reminder of the great things that God has in store for us in future ventures in faith.

God Bless,



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